
Cost effective and safe
Automate transportation tasks and focus on high output activities


MiR100 Cost effective and safe

Mir100 is a safe and cost-effective mobile robot (AMR), which can quickly automate your internal transportation and logistics. This robot optimizes the workflow and saves staff resources, thereby improving productivity and reducing costs.

Programming is simple, without previous experience | let employees focus on high-value work | operate safely and effectively around people and obstacles

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Get to know mir100 quickly:

  • Automate transportation tasks and focus on high output activities

  • Equipped with various top modules, it is highly flexible

  • Safe movement, easy programming

  • There is no need to modify your facilities

Mir100 - technical details


1. Automate transportation tasks and focus on high output activities

The new generation of autonomous mobile robots is transforming the way companies move materials into their facilities, and mir100 is taking the lead. With its extraordinary flexibility and intelligent technology, mir100 is suitable for almost any place where employees need to spend time pushing or transferring carts. Now you can automate such tasks, so employees can concentrate on high value activities.

2. Equipped with various top modules, it is highly flexible

Highly flexible autonomous transportation, with a load of up to 100 kg. Custom top modules can be installed on it, such as boxes, shelves, lifting devices, conveyor belts or even collaborative robot arms, to meet all your application needs. The top module is easy to replace, so the robot can be redeployed for different tasks.

3. Safe movement, easy programming

Mir100 robot moves safely around people and obstacles, passes through the door and enters and exits the elevator. You can download the CAD files of the building directly to the robot, or program it with a simple and web-based interface without prior programming experience. Robot tasks can be easily modified by using smartphones, tablets or computers connected to the network.

4. There is no need to modify your facilities

Equipped with built-in sensors, cameras and mature software, mir100 can recognize the surrounding environment, take the most effective route to the destination, and safely avoid obstacles and people. Without using expensive and inflexible wires or sensors to modify your facilities, this robot enables you to get a quick return on investment with a return period of as little as one year.

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Equipped with built-in sensors, cameras and mature software, mir100 can recognize the surrounding environment, take the most effective route to the destination, and safely avoid obstacles and people. Without using expensive and inflexible wires or sensors to modify your facilities, this robot enables you to get a quick return on investment with a return period of as little as one year.

Application cases
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